Brand development

From concept to completion.

The brand

Who are we

A dog-treat manufacturing company dedicated to creating unique and delicious biscuits to a high standard. We love dogs and hope to make them and their owners happy .

Tone & Personality

Montgomery’s is friendly and approachable. People should associate Montgomery’s with cheerfulness and wholesomeness.

Look and Feel

Similar to the tone, Montgomery’s looks and feels cheerful and fun. As such, the colours and style should communicate happiness and friendliness. In addition, vintage symbols are used to portray a subtle homely/nostalgic feel that might be found at your local bakery. However, Montgomery’s is more than just a friendly company. We produce biscuits to a high standard with unique recipes. With this in mind design elements should hint at qualities you might find at a local patisserie run by a dedicated patissier.

The logo


There are two variants one may use: colour and greyscale.

The montgomery’s logo is detailed. As such, avoid sizing it too small.


To match Montgomery’s good-natured quality crafted branding, a range of informal hand-drawn and contemporary yet expressive looking typefaces are used.

A handrawn front with a vintage feel. Perfect for Montgomery’s handcraft natured brand.

Use this typeface for subheadlines, straplines, slogans and copy that needs to stand out.

A friendly and expressive font with a contemporary style.

Use this for headings, subheadings.

Less expressive than the alternate version, use Goldplay Standard for editorial body and web body. Use sparingly in marketing material.

Use this for headings, subheadings.

A playful, hand-drawn script.

Use for headlines if necessary. Only use once per marketing item. May be warped as required. As this typeface is used in the ‘Gourmet Dog Treats’ description, it is unlikely that there will be much room for use in most marketing material, as this typeface can only be used once per marketing item.

Visual Style

The montgomery’s brand mixes a clean, fairly flat style with handrawn and informal elements. Symbols and motifs that represent vintage and a bakery shop are encouraged – banners and pin-stripes for example.

Visual Design Elements

Use these elements to build visual markerting material.

Use of colour

Always aim to use the primary colours prior to the secondary colours. Among the primary colours, Montgomery’s vintage red and serene white should be used the most.

Primary palette

Of the primary colour palette, Montgomery’s vintage red and serene white should be dominant.

Use these primary colours less so than Montgomery’s vintage red and serene white.

Secondary palette

Use secondary colours sparingly to emphasize, accent or otherwise compliment a particular flavour. These are primarily used for packaging to distinguish flavours.


Marketing Artwork